
Happy Canada Day to all Canadian Businesses!

Posted by changepro | July 5, 2013 0


Change Promotions Inc. is proud to be a Canadian Company. Since 2005, we have been providing solutions and opportunities to people looking to turn their Dreams into Reality and Goals in to Achievements! This is something that we will always strive towards doing and ensuring that we are always up to date with any new technologies and advances that can take you to the next level. With a business your financial birthday is on your fiscal year; an opportunity for you to look back at the previous years to see where your money has been spent and where it has increased. A pattern that most businesses notice is that, if they have spent (or as we call it; invest) a good amount of money into their marketing then there revenues will most likely increase. This is a simple formula: Increased Marketing = More Clients knowing about your product/service = more people buying your product/service. How much money are you investing towards your marketing and advertising? If it is not one of your highest expenses, then it is likely that you are not receiving the results in your business that you are looking for.
Allow us to assist you with your marketing; which is strategic marketing specifically catering to your objectives. It is a business expense that is imperative, and you will be happy with the result of it when viewing your financial reports on your Canadian fiscal birthday.

Happy Canada Day!

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