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Happy Canada Day to all Canadian Businesses!

Posted on Jul 5, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

Change Promotions Inc. is proud to be a Canadian Company. Since 2005, we have been providing solutions and opportunities to people looking to turn their Dreams into Reality and Goals in to Achievements! This is something that we will always strive towards doing and ensuring that we are always up to date with any new […]

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Is your business on Social media?

Posted on Jun 17, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

Do you have Facebook? Twitter? Linkedin? Flickr? Instagram? Hopefully you are at least familiar with these social networking sites. In this internet era, it is pertinent that you are up to the times with what is going on. When we ask many of our clients these questions, a large number of them tell us. “I […]

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Celebrate Canada Day FREE BBQ – CP join Sterling Dentistry Customer Appreciation

Posted on Jun 10, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

It is that time of the year again! Come celebrate Canada’s Day with us in Brampton, at our annual FREE BBQ. Sterling Dentistry Customer Appreciation Celebration.

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SUMMER is here. Take advantage of the summer promotions NOW

Posted on Jun 4, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

Summertime is here, which means everyone is outside enjoying their day to day and weekend activities in the sun. Which means NOW is the time for you to expose your business to these people; who are your new potential clientele.   Have you noticed that summertime is when you retain the most clients? We know […]

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Make Your Business Explode like Fireworks !

Posted on May 21, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

Hope you had a great long weekend! This Long weekend allowed us to have an extra day off to reflect and to watch fireworks. While watching the fireworks, did it get you thinking?… Thoughts like, “I want my Business to Explode like those fireworks” If not, now it is something for you to think about… […]

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Watch This VIDEO about our Distribution Service

Posted on Apr 23, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

Change Promotions Inc. is your Long Term, Business Solutions Partner. Providing you with quality service for a better price. By better price we emphasize on *Value. Some people may think that cheaper=better price/value, but this is not necessarily the case. If this was true, why do people purchase luxury vehicles? Also, what about with food, how come people don’t […]

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Raed bewteen the lnies (Read between the lines) !

Posted on Apr 9, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

If you are so smart, can you read…                    Marketing between the lines? READ Below!   Tehre are so mnay bsuisneses of the smae idnustry and it is imtorpant that you snatd out from your cotpeimtors. Wehn mreatikng yuor busnseis it is ipotrmant to cnosistently cmoe up wtih new iaeds to atcrtat new cotmsuers and […]

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Posted on Mar 25, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

   The first day of spring has officially arrived! Winter is officially over and as the new season is here we look forward to the blossoming of the tree leaves, flowers and the vast array of nature’s beauties. Similar to the plants, business seeds are also operating in the same manner; we hope that the […]

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We do web content writing for you!

Posted on Mar 11, 2013 in Change Promotions Biz | no responses

With the emergence of the internet as an electronic marketplace, high quality web content has become an integral part in the success of today’s company. Many consumers no longer obtain their first impression of a company by visiting the company’s brick and mortar location. In contrast, many consumers now choose between a company and its […]

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